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Dear Music Lovers

Thank you for booking for the Cape Town Concert Series at the Baxter during 2023.

Booking for our 2024 concerts opens this Friday, and we would like to offer you the chance to subscribe to the full season ahead of time.

The Cape Town Concert Series truly lived up to its reputation of South Africa’s premiere recital and chamber music platform over the last year- and keeping the momentum going we are starting our 2024 season in January with the welcome return of pianist Olga Kern, who will also be opening the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra’s Summer Festival.

The season continues with cellist Benedict Kloeckner in February, highlights of the Franschhoek Chamber festival with members of the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra in March, Beethoven specialist and pianist Jan Jiracek von Arnim in April and  we complete the season of 5 concerts in June with oboeist James Austin Smith.

We also pay tribute to two long serving patrons – Ben Rabinowitz and Norman Sulcas who sadly passed away this year. We will be dedicating concerts to them in 2024.

We thank the Rupert Music Foundation for their continued support in helping subsidise our ticket costs. Individual booking for the season opens at Webtickets this coming Friday 15th December, but if you would like to reserve for all 5 concerts and have your chosen seat for the season, please email info@ctconcerts.co.za and we can also arrange a small discount on the ticket.  

Regular Season ticket: R1200 and for pensioners: R950.  We can also assist with a voucher if you would like to gift a ticket or season to a friend for Christmas. 

Dates for your diary are listed below. There will be more concerts to add to your diary as the year progresses and our Unplugged Newsletter will keep you posted on all. Please let us know if you would like to be on our mailing list for the year ahead (if you are not already!)

Best wishes for the festive season and thank you for supporting classical music in Cape Town.

Louise Howlett

Cape Town Concert Series

084 682 1337

Saturday 13 January – 5pm – Piano Recital with Olga Kern
Saturday 17 February – 11am – Cello  Recital with Benedict Kloekner
Saturday 16 March – 11am – Chamber Music with members of the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra
Saturday 13 April – 3pm – Piano Recital with Jan Jiracek von Arnim
Saturday 8 June – 11am – Oboe and more with James Austin Smith
